Knights of Southern Cross at Auckland
The Knights of the Southern Cross at Auckland is based at 401 Dominion Rd, Mt Eden.
Our officers are elected for a two-year term. For the two years beginning May 2024 they are:
Worthy Knight: Mathew Bland
Chaplain: Fr Ezio Blasoni SM
Deputy Worthy Knight: Erryl D’Sylva
Secretary: Mathew Bland (Acting)
Treasurer: Tad Piggin
Immediate Past Worthy Knight: Neil Rutherford
Executive Committee Members: Brian Gianotti, Alex MacDonald, Ben Somaratne, John Curtin, Denis Drumm
Our General Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month from February through November at 401 Dominion Rd, Auckland, starting with Mass at 7:30 PM, generally followed by a guest speaker.