We regard being a Knight of the Southern Cross as a special calling, a secondary vocation which encourages and supports our primary vocation in life, whether that be marriage and family or single life. We refer to the Knights as an Order and a Brotherhood.
Those who are interested, and whom we invite to explore membership further, undertake a period of prayerful discernment as to whether it is their calling. We endeavour to accompany prospective members through this process so that they can get to know us, and we can get to know them, to assist the discernment. Continuing on to being initiated as a member is a mutual decision of the prospective member and the Order. If it is decided not to proceed to initiation, there is no ill will on our part – it means that it is simply not the person’s vocation.
There are no complicated rituals of initiation – it is a simple ceremony and takes place during Mass.
We welcome new members. Please feel free to contact us for more information.